Saturday, August 31, 2019

Notes on a scandle by Zoe Heller †How is the theme of obsession presented in the book? Essay

Notes on a scandal, written in the first person by Barbara Covette, a close friend and colleague of Sheba’s, is a story about Sheba Hart, a pottery teacher at St Georges school, who allows herself to become engaged in an affair with one of her fifteen year old pupils, Steven Connolly, who is one of her few pupils with an interest in her subject and not just disrupting lessons. This story is very much about obsession, and not that only of Sheba and her lover. In fact a very large proportion of the novel is devoted to showing Barbara’s loneliness and obsession with Sheba. It is done in an almost subtle way so that Barbara as the narrator is not aware how clearly she is obsessed, yet we as the audience can see it. With this the plot becomes almost as much about Barbara as it is about Sheba. From very early on in the novel we can see that Barbara has an obsession with Sheba, and that the obsession is likely to get bigger. This can be seen from the very beginning. The very fact that Barbara notes the exact clothes that Sheba is wearing and comments on them shows she has been paying a great amount of attention to Sheba from the very beginning. On the first page of chapter one Barbara says that Sheba is a fey person, she makes a point of saying this, which indicates possibly jealousy of Sheba. As we go on into chapter one Barbara’s jealousy is becoming more and more apparent, as everybody else is fussing about Sheba, Barbara chooses to stay out of the way, most likely due to her envy of Sheba. Barbara looks in on everybody fussing abut Sheba almost as a fly on the wall would, noting to herself who talks to Sheba and exactly what she does. She does not try herself in the beginning to socialise with her, but yet still seems very interested in her. This shows the beginning of obsession. When in chapter one Elaine reached out to touch Sheba’s ears, Barbara remarks in her text about not shaving her armpits, and refers to Elaine as â€Å"Reaching out like a monkey†. This shows us that Barbara is irritated by anybody else fussing over Sheba, so she instantly insults them as if to make herself feel batter and more worthy of Sheba’s attention than them. At the beginning of chapter two Barbara says that she must maintain maximum accuracy, so therefore starts to put together a time line of Sheba’s year. This itself seems obsessive. She buys gold stars to stick on at important events. It appears to us that Barbara’s life at this stage is revolving around Sheba. On page 32 Barbara writes: â€Å"Throughout the first half of the winter term, I had been building up my confidence to tackle Sheba on the matter of class discipline.† This indicates that Barbara is nervous about talking to Sheba for some reason; however we are almost certain by this stage in the novel that if it had been another one of the teachers at St George, Barbara would not have had a problem with it. Also on page 32 is the realisation on Barbara’s part that Sheba had befriended Sue Hodge. Barbara was very envious of this friendship and begins to take a lot of interest in this friendship. Barbara continuously slags off Sue Hodge and calls her, â€Å"The most awful prig.† This suggests an element of obsession is here, as if Barbara was not interested in Sheba then she would not care who she was â€Å"chumming up with.† At the beginning of chapter three, it is made very clear that Barbara was jealous of Sheba’s friendship with Sue. She writes: â€Å"The irony of my having agonized over Sheba’s friendship of fatty Hodge.† She used the word agonized which is quite a strong word, so Barbara was obviously deeply affected by this. She then goes on to say: â€Å"If Sheba had made a wiser choice of girlfriend, if she had have chosen me from the start- it is possible that she might have avoided the Connolly imbroglio.† We can see here that Barbara desperately wants Sheba as a friend, in an obsessive nature. In the beginning of chapter five, Barbara says that if it makes Sheba happy it makes her happy. This very clearly indicates that Barbara is obsessed with Sheba. On page 83, Barbara contradicts herself, she say that she does not argue with the necessity for age bars, but then goes on to defend Sheba’s actions. She seems to think that there is one rule for one person and another for Sheba. When Barbara is invited to Sheba’s house for dinner she panics very much about the way she is dressed, particularly about the heals thinking she may be too tarty. She is acting more like she is going on a date then to a friend’s house for dinner. This shows us that Barbara is very keen to impress Sheba, and doesn’t want her to think anything bad of her at all. The first sentence of chapter ten says: â€Å"By summer my connection with Sheba was well established.† The way she says this is almost like a spy trying to infiltrate the government and not as you would expect somebody to say about their friend, this seems odd and almost stalker like. In chapter thirteen Barbara decides to stay away from Sheba, and see how long Sheba can stick it. However it turns out to be Barbara who is the one who can’t stick it, she becomes rather depressed and confused. Here Barbara is acting more the way a lover would after a break up than a friend. In Barbara’s lunch date with Bangs in chapter thirteen when Barbara realises someone else is interested in Sheba, she instantly tells him about her and Connolly’s relationship. Barbara may have done this as she doesn’t want anyone to come between her and Sheba’s friendship, and she feels threatened by others in Sheba’s life. Towards the end of the book Barbara takes great joy in destroying the model of Sheba and Connolly, she begins by destroying the boy though; this shows that Barbara is trying to get rid of everything from Sheba’s life that is not centred on her. All of these things suggest that Barbara is slowly becoming more and more obsessed with Sheba throughout the novel, and that she wants to take everything that is not centred around her away. She may even have been satisfied that Sheba has lost her family and now must depend on Barbara as she is her only remaining friend.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Heredity Determines Personality

Heredity determines  personality Argument supporting  Heredity  determines  personality Introduciton: Personality is defined as the sum total of beliefs, behaviors, attitudes andvalues that distinguishes an individual. Each of us has unique personalitieswhich distinguish us from the others. Even twins who look alike and arereared in the same environment differ in personalities. A number of factorsdetermine a person’s personality. These include environment and genetics. Our personality is the product of the interaction of these two factors.It is notexclusively molded by the environment or genetics but a combination of  both. Body: Heredity is the main factor which determines a person’s personality. TheDNA makeup of a child have all those characters and personality traits thathis parents had. Its no doubt that person’s learn through learning andenviornment which affects their perosnality but the point is, a person willlearn what he has percieved in his mi nd and that comes from heredity. Hereditary, or the genetic transmission of characteristics from parents tooffspring, determines personality to a certain extent.Hereditarycharacteristics manifest at birth such as hair and eye color, skin color andbody type. Hereditary also includes aptitude or the capacity to learn a skill orinclination for a particular body of knowledge. It establishes the limits of  one’s personality traits that can be developed. This aptitude creates the desire for a person to learn something. Forinstance, the son of a sports hero like a boxer superstar is expected toinherit the genes of his father.His capacity for growth in the boxing arena isimmense because he is born with the ability. Or, take the case of a daughterof a writer. Obviously, with her genetic predisposition to write she will bemore inclined to study or learn writing compared to other endeavors such assports. Behavioral geneticists, Behavioral geneticists believe that the genesdo not act a s the exact blueprints that determine every detail of ourpersonality and behavior; rather, they think that heredity or these enesreveal through a person’s actual interactions with the environment. Thegenetic make-up of a person brings out particular reactions to things andpeople which in turn determine the person’s personality. To further explain this, it is important to know how DNA works. The DNA of aperson is responsible for a certain kind of nervous system such as one that isalarmed at new situations, one that wants new sensations and one that isslow to react.In different situations, children react according to the one that would be most suitable for their genotype or genetic endowment. The abilityto choose reactions though increases as a person grows older. Conclusion: The personality of an individual is mix of both inherited factors and learningand enviornmental facotrs but heredity plays a bigger role in determiningthose traits which affect our personality and o ur perception and how wepercieve things and learn them. http://www. scribd. com/doc/23710964/Heredity-Determines-Personality

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Draw class diagram for the situation Research Paper

Draw class diagram for the situation - Research Paper Example Visibility can be private, public or protected. In Jim Smith’s dealership situation as presented, there are four classes involved: Manufacturer, Car, Buyer and Contact information. Each class has its own attributes, the car manufacturer has both name and contact information as its attributes, the car has list price, buying price, model name and model series, the buyer has a name, car bought, buying price and address and finally contact information with both address and phone number as attributes. All the attributes of all the classes should be private hence the negative sign before the attributes. Association between the classes is an important part of class diagrams and is as follows according to the situation presented in Jim Smith’s dealership: A car manufacturer can sell one or many cars to the dealership, a buyer can buy one or many cars from the dealership, a buy lives at one specific

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Jacksonian Character Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Jacksonian Character - Essay Example strengths and weaknesses, offer my own opinions about the article and endeavor to show how the article relates to the materials discussed in Class 1301. Pessen says foreign visitors to America such as Tocqueville, Charles Dickens, Harriet Martineau, Frances Trollope and others viewed Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States (1829-37), as a child of the frontier, democrat, egalitarian, entrepreneurial, speculative profit seeker, conservative, conformist, violent, materialist and chaste republican. They thought these traits and values epitomized American society. While some of these visitors had such nice things to say about Americans as handsome, gentle, pleasant, trusting, and self-less (p. 30), most of them had a rather negative perception of Americans. To them, Americans were dull, cold and cruel (p. 11); violent, selfish, and thin-skinned (p. 12); and clever but shallow (p. 15). Americans were dirty, unrefined, drunkard and speculative (pp. 18-22); egalitarian, moral from outside but prudish (p. 23-24); and anti-tradition, apathetic to intellectual accomplishments, and disinterested in principles (pp. 27-31). Pe ssen agrees with the visitors that a Jacksonian American, â€Å"possibly† a materialist, entertained bigotry supplemented by cruelty and cupidity, vanity and boastfulness; he was blissfully unaware of any complex situation, disinterested in principles (p. 31). However, Pessen does not agree that a Jacksonin American was a child of the frontier, an inner-directed conformist, and a chaste republican looking longingly to the past (p. 30). Pessen’s article has three remarkable strengths. First, by presenting a whole array of views of contemporary European visitors, Pessen helps us understand American society from their perspective and experiences. Secondly, he also offers his own views so the readers have a different viewpoint to draw informed and objective conclusions. Thirdly, the article written in journalistic style makes an

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Concert report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Concert report - Essay Example I think it is important for me to recognize what the limited amount of knowledge led to with my expectations with the concert as well as hesitations which were noted before going because of my misunderstandings of the concept of Celtic music and what the concert would entail. When I went to this concert, the only understanding was based on the ability to listen to cultural music which I had only limited introduction to in the past. Sound The sound of the concert was inclusive of four members which led the Celtic music. This included the flute and concertina, bouzouki, guitar and banjo, fiddle and finger style guitar. The four individuals changed the instruments, depending on the tune and the needed settings for both harmony and melody. This was followed by the interchanges which were heard with singing and rhythmic options that were used with some of the dance pieces. The sound and the interaction with the different instrumentation provided the basis for the experience and allowed th e expressions to be easily heard within the different pieces of music. I noticed that the banjo and finger style guitar were used for fast moving chords while the guitar was more often used for the chord structures. The banjo would also sometimes be used for melodic lines. The other instruments interchanged with melodies, specifically between the flute and the fiddle. The sound which was heard was not only based on the basics of the instrumentation, but also the complexities which were heard with some of the pieces. The songs which intrigued me most were the Celtic dances which were played. These were difficult in nature, not only with the individual lines but also with the entire group. My interest was set on the finger picking guitar because of the fast lines and movements made to keep the harmony and rhythm with the other players. I was also intrigued with the flute and violin which often played difficult passages at fast paces and in unison. This particular style is one which I believe would be difficult to play. However, the melodic line was never lost and the rhythmic pace continued with the dance style which allowed the sound of the Celtic music to be a main part of the tune. The other intriguing part of the sound which I was drawn to was the other side of the rhythm, harmony and melody. The folk tunes and ballads which moved at a slower pace were refreshing to listen to and provided a sense of relaxation. The words from the main melodic lines as well as the melodies held by the flute or violin were simplistic; however, they were also soothing and had a comforting effect when listening to the different sounds. The harmonies added into this, specifically with the guitars that held the chords or picked the different sounds as well as the background sounds which moved through the harmonies. While these weren’t complex in nature, the ability to capture the sound and to create an expression of the culture added a magical tone to the concert. The music ians made these ballads seem like there was a reminiscing over an older culture and expression which was often not a part of contemporary society. Setting The place for the Celtic music, at the UU Church, was one which at first didn’t seem comfortable for the Celtic music. The four instrumentalists were at the front stage, usually where the preacher is, and had an organ that was in back of them.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Evolution Lab Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evolution Lab - Assignment Example One particular animal, which gained Darwin’s attention, was the finches on the island. It was through studying these finches that Darwin came up with one of the most important terms in evolutionary biology which is one of the driving forces for evolution: natural selection. Natural selection plays into the role that nature selects organisms, which are best fit for the environment. Those that have the traits that give them the best advantage in environmental conditions will survive and proliferate while those who have the inferior traits will not thrive and die out (Darwin, 2010). In this particular simulation, we were looking at what the effects of precipitation on two separate islands and how it would affect the size of the beak on a species of finches. We are able to make this hypothesis due to the fact that we know that the amount of precipitation will influence the different types of flora and seeds, which will grow on the island. This can affect size, hardness, and shape of the seeds and this will have a direct effect upon the size of the beak of the finch that inhabits the island. Our hypothesis was that of non-directionality, meaning that we did not know how precipitation was going to affect beak size in any particular direction, but we knew that the precipitation was going to have an effect on how flora grew on the island, thus this would have an effect on beak size. Materials Since this was an interactive simulation, very few materials were needed in order to complete this lab. A computer with an active Internet connection was necessary in order to use the online simulation software in order to collect the data, due to the fact that this observational data would be impossible to be collected over the thousands of years. Methods The first step of being able to run the experiment was to log onto the site in order to carry out the experiment at Next, depending on the experiment, the experimenter has the option to set the variables that they are interested in looking at. For the case of our hypothesis, we are looking at beak size in relation to precipitation. The independent variable is the initial size of the beaks. The experiment calls for modifying the precipitation on the islands in order to see if this has an effect on beak size. On one island, move the precipitation to the extreme of there is no precipitation and then on the other island, move the precipitation to the maximum amount of precipitation the island can have. Set the amount of time to look at over the course of three hundred years and run the experiment. Then look at and analyze the data to see if the data matches the proposed hypothesis. Data Parameter DARWIN WALLACE ------------------------------------------- Initial Beak Size: 12.0 mm 12.0 mm Heritability: 0.7 0.7 Variance: 1.0 1.0 Clutch Size: 10.0 eggs 10.0 eggs Precipitation: 35.0 cm 20.0 cm Population: 200.0 birds 200.0 birds Island Size: 0.5 km 0.5 k m Darwin ------ Wallace ------- Discussion and Results As can be seen from the graph, we have an interaction effect at the start and then both populations diverge from each other as time progresses. On Darwin Island, where the precipitation was observed to be 100.0 cm, there was an increase in beak size as time increased. On Wallace Island, where the precipitation was observed to be 0.0 cm, there was a decrease in beak size as time increased. Based on this result, we can conclude that over the 300-year

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Legal and ethical issues in the business environment Coursework

Legal and ethical issues in the business environment - Coursework Example Legal and ethical issues in the business environment The growing complexity in the business world has brought forward a serious problem that is growing at a rapid rate among numerous working individuals. The issue that is the primary focus of this paper is drug and alcohol abuse at workplace. In the light of current business scenario, use of drug and alcohol is growing steadily and can take the shape of a serious issue at workplace in the near future. Drugs and alcohol not only have negative impact on health of individuals who consume it but can prove hazardous for others present in the surrounding environment of the particular individual (Lowinson, 2005; Ghodse, 2005). Workplace problems are posed by consumption of illegal drugs as well as by misuse of legal prescription drugs and alcohol. It has been found in recent studies that legal drugs that have been prescribed by doctors can have strong impact on a person’s working capabilities such as level of concentration and alertness. Additionally, numerous individuals were also found to be heavily dependent on certain drugs for living a normal life and cannot function without the same. Consumption of alcohol and drugs socially may not have direct effect on the performance of an individual, however, if an individual attend work under the influence of these substances, it may result in adversity in terms of performance and productivity (Lowinson, 2005).

Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Narrative - Essay Example After realization that the world of films is more appealing than I can imagine, I decided to keep the spirit lively by undertaking a Master’s degree in media, my major focus being on Radio and Television studies. When in the university, I got an inordinate chance to train in the first channel of Saudi Arabia, the fifth channel in Saudi Arabia and Institute of Hajj researchers as a photographer, all of which bolstered my understanding of the world of media and communication. I firmly believe that a well-written script and characters are what makes a film, a major reason that made me feel frustrated while in the university when doing photography-related projects. The fundamental reason for the perceived discomfiture was the fact that after doing projects in photography, although they often turned out to be good, I felt left out after the image is completed, a reason that intensified my intention to be a screenwriter so that I can always be part of the complete works such as docu mentaries. When I watch an interesting film, I see myself in it and believe that the ideas on the screen are actually being personified for me, a rare thing that has been developing in me lately. I immediately develop a critical critic of the masterpiece, a factor that has further sharpened my writing skills. However, being in the university was an eye-opener for me. I enjoyed every moment in school primarily because of the many activities that I found myself participating in and the large audience that resoundingly required my presence in various programs, both educational and leisurely. While still working hard on coursework, where I eventually managed a GPA 3.11/4, I could still manage to schedule some time for talk shows, news programs, documentaries, and advertisement. I used my verse skills in media and television presentation to influence and appeal to the audience. The college students always

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Impact of Capital Structure on Financial Performance of Real Estate Essay - 1

Impact of Capital Structure on Financial Performance of Real Estate Firms Listed In Chinese Stock Exchange - Essay Example The study analyses the listed firms based on the following objectives The study is a descriptive research design that explores the capital structure of companies listed in the Chinese stock exchange in seeking to describe their impact on the financial performance of the same companies. Information about 20 companies was collected from the official website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE). The companies were selected in accordance to the composite index of the SSE, to ensure the findings can be generalised to other firms. Quantitative data analysis methods have been utilised in analysing the data gathered form the research with regression analysis being utilised to enhance the quality of the research findings. . Different financial ratios of companies have been calculated and an industry average determined. The ownership of the listed firms is mainly by the government and legal institutions who own 28% and 24% respectively. The total debt and long term debt of the listed companies is 50.49% and 10.15% respectively. The equity over fixed asset ratio for the companies is at 92.77%. There has been a significant drop in the return on assets value which is currently at 9.74%. Chinese firms have an average liability of about 45% while the average liability of the G-7 countries in 54%. Most of the Chinese companies listed on the SSE utilise a short term financing options and this has been the man characteristic of their capital structure. The capital structure adopted by these firms has the greatest impact on their performance. The companies listed in the SSE have been posting high profits and have financial debts which are lower than the average industry level. These firms are mainly financed through equity capital which is not a debt. Low debts have had a significant effect in resulting to the high profits since there is a reduced level of interests paid, ensuring the

Friday, August 23, 2019

International trade Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International trade - Term Paper Example In precise, changing trends of international trade has further been quite notably affecting global relationship patterns between nations in the political, social as well as economic aspects. Fundamentally, the international trade patterns also influence the global economic structure by means of demand and supply functions of various commodities. In precise, international trade is also defined as the process of exchanging capital through trading with products and services across the overseas countries (Grimwade 3). Emphasizing the modern trend in the international trade, the report intends to demonstrate a preliminary analysis regarding the influence of international trade relations amid United Kingdom (UK) and Canada during the post economic recession of 2009-2011. In this regard, the report would focus on critically assessing the import and export trade practices associated by companies from these two nations, to further note the impact of international trade on Canada. 2. ... tion to the trade practices over the current years, it can be viewed that UK is the second-biggest recipient along with third imperative source of Canada. During this period, the trade practice of Canada with the UK was significantly valued US$86.8 billion concerning the country’s different inward and outward trade activities. Moreover, the direct trade investment of Canada with the UK can also be apparently noted as 7.3% of annual growth rate during the years 2007-2012 (Tremblay 2). With respect to its trade relation with Canada, the UK can be considered as one of the largest and prominent trade partners for the Canadian corporations in comparison to other different overseas countries. However, the country had also faced significant challenges due to the various influencing factors including trade regulations, economic instability along with barriers in the deregulatory guidelines that had ultimately lessened the potentialities of Canada while performing trade with the UK. In this concern, the country has faced a decline of 7% in export trade activities with the UK. Correspondingly, the annual import activities of Canada with the UK had also fallen by 16% as compared to the year 2008 (Holden 2). 3. Characterising of the Trade between Canada and UK In relation to the increasing competition in the global trade environment, the outward and inward investment portfolios significantly define the continuous development of the Canadian trade with the global countries. According to the recent statistical scenario, it has been witnessed that the country has been experiencing a rapid growth in terms of annual direct investment (inward and outward) as compared to the other global nations (Zhou 49). Canada’s major global trading partners in terms of export and import practices

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Drug abuse Essay Example for Free

Drug abuse Essay The policy in Switzerland seems to be a success because in the last 10 years there has been an astounding reduction in new users, 82% in fact. Addicts are offered heroin on prescription, access to shooting galleries, needle exchanges and oral methadone. This medicalised drug use has removes its glamour, making it trivial and less appealing. The British government however takes the view that allowing drug consumption rooms risks increasing levels of dealing and anti-social crime. This is the disadvantage currently obstructing the government following suit. The doctor thinks that some users have turned round their lives as a result of this treatment. They come off heroin because of the boredom of routine and drudgery. In addition to the professional opinion, a more personal outlook given by a former addict stated that it should be done in very controlled conditions and only used as a last resort. As I saw on the video, drug abuse has been a problem for centuries and I personally do not see a situation where the world will be free of drug abuse. This is because, when the word drug is defined we mean a medication and there are many legal drugs that are medically prescribed for the treatment of the ill. Drugs such as morphine and paracetamol can also be misused, and the abuse can lead to deaths. In this sense the problem of drug abuse can never be completely eliminated because people will just find another drug to abuse. However, one must be cautious when reading the newspapers as it is likely to be biased. Not everything must be taken into account as it is not likely to be authentic or reliable. To a certain extent not all drugs are as bad as each other; some drugs bring about more harm than others. In other ways, if particular drugs are abused constantly and in heavy quantities they can cause severe consequences, such as tobacco for example. Particular notice needs to be taken of Danger Ratings and the seriousness of heroin addiction. More should be done to prevent this, by tightening rules and regulations and giving harsher punishments to put off new users and give help to existing addicts. Both sources offer contrasting methods for dealing with the problem. The first method, calling upon the government to update the system may not be taken into consideration by some politicians as they do not want to lose votes. However, if it is considered and action is taken, it is a worthwhile action. The second method calling upon softer laws can be seen as helping in some ways, but mainly making it easier for drugs to be abused. In my opinion, the government should tighten rules and regulations for drug abuse and crackdown on Drug related crime, reducing the usage of drugs, and also supply help for the addicts to stabilise their lives. Politics and the law are barriers to both approaches because each method has to gain the Governments approval prior to the action taken, this may prove difficult. This is due to the fact that political parties view their own positions in government more precious than the welfare of the public. As a result of this, they are more concerned with losing votes rather than losing lives. As a whole, drug abuse and addiction is a problem that cannot ever be eradicated completely but it can be controlled and reduced, particularly with certain drugs. As mentioned previously, there are options available to control the issue, and measures can be put in place to reduce drug abuse. The best method would be to take a combination of both options as stated previously. Maybe, in the distant future, drug abuse may not be such a huge pandemic as it is today.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Environmental Impact Assessment Report On Malaysian Airport Project Construction Essay

Environmental Impact Assessment Report On Malaysian Airport Project Construction Essay The first system to assess the environmental impact was developed by US in 1970, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been used widely over the world and it has become the most crucial tools in implemented any projects or planning process. Until now, almost 55 countries have starting to use formal EIA system measurement, not only that about 100 countries have implement the EIA measures system (Haklay et al., 1998). Compared to other countries in this world, Malaysia has been the top countries to adapt with EIA. As a proof Malaysia has develop the Environmental Quality Act 1974 in Third Malaysia Plan, Department of Environment and an Environmental Quality Council has been setup to smooth the planning process in the national level. In Environment Quality Act 1984, section 34A extended the environment impact assessment legislation; however in 1986 the act amends that require assessment for all private and public projects which may be have high impact on the environment. Besides tha t, in 1998 EIA will be implemented as whole and made it mandatory to all the project to be implemented (Barroe, 1997). Environmental assessment report intended to assess the environmental impacts of airport project proposed by Janji Manis Corporation (JMC) to replace the new airport in Subang to Sepang, as what been stated in the JMC Development Plan to build an airport in the capital city of Malaysia in accordance to fulfil the needs of the globalization and demand of the market. Besides that, the current airport required to accommodate market demand for the airport with increasing numbers of consumers, thus new airport will be able to offers the demand of the users. However, according to the Department of Environment of Malaysia, any project to be implemented must get the approval from the department to ensure that the project would not be jeopardized the environment in airport project area. Besides that, the project also must include all formalities needed such as giving briefing session to the residence of the place involved, local councils, state authority, agencies and various environmental rel ated people. For example giving explanation to the society in Sepang where the airport project to be implemented. Besides that, there are several procedures need to be completed before the decision to allow the project to be implement. Among the procedures involve are, preliminary assessment, detailed assessment and review assessment report. Where preliminary assessment main objectives are to examine the project proposal and select the best project options which are available, secondly, identify and integrate into the project preparation to appropriate abatement and mitigating appropriate measures; and to identify important residual on the environmental impacts. Besides that, in second procedure in preparing detailed assessment done by describes the significant enduring environmental impacts that were predicted from the final project plan prepared; to specify the mitigating and the abatement measures needed in the final project preparation; and identify the costs on environment and the benefits can be obtain from the airport project to the local community involved in order for critically review the detailed assessment reports the steps needed are by evaluating the development and costs of the environmental and bene fits of the final project plan to the society; to formulate and recommending and guidelines to the project that been approved to the relevant authority so that the project can be implemented. In the other hand, EIA requires detail analysis because of probable effects to the environment from the airport project. EIAs require systematic analysis of the potential impacts, secondly the projects to be carried out with proposal of mitigation measures, thirdly, to get the detail economics valuation of the impact and suggesting the best alternative to be choose, and finally be able to prepare the environmental management plan. The Process in Preparing EIA Every EIA needs the Terms of Reference (TOR) which can be develop via scoping. The output expected through scoping are: Identify the probability impact on environment or other concerns on environment to be considered and also need to further investigate from EIA report. Identify components of the environment that need comprehensive study. Determine the correct method and approach that appropriate in order to carry out EIA study. Identify the specific interest that might be occur in consultation before the EIA been carry out. Identify the need appropriately in to EIA context especially before the project can be implemented. The next step of EIA analysis must follow the key important activities of the airport project: Describing Environmental Condition of the New Airport Project Area It is crucial to run the EIA study by examining the baseline information about the area biophysical, social and economic, and this will be the reference to the new airport project. Therefore, according to the proposal of new airport in Sepang provide the appropriate information on the geology of the place which mostly the land that plant palm. Furthermore, the land is suitable because its good structure of the soil. Thus such area offers good potential to build the new airport. The location between the new airport area and Subang (current) location is 55.6 kilometers to south of Malaysia, and is bounded by Nilai Highway, Lekas Highway and Federal Highway that connecting short distance and smooth way to new airport location. Furthermore, the new airport location has some native foliage, described as oil palm plantation, but most of the area is predominantly vacant. Previously the area was occupying Felda Corporation, however the land was beneficial for commercial and development thus it has been given the authority to JMC to build the new airport in that particular location. Besides that, until today there were no threatened of ecological was reported in that area by Department of Environment of Malaysia. However, in order to sustain the environment the new airport project will consider the preservation of environment, which predominantly by sustaining the rest of the land by palm plantation and the new airport will be build based on green technology and will also sustaining three main elements of sustainable, that is environment, economics and social. Besides that, the located area also accommodating the crop industry and the project will distract the habitat however it is believed that the habitat can be transferred to the nearest location near Tiroi and the area is believed having significant ability to place the habitat that need to be sustain. Furthermore, the new airport location is located far away from housing area and also satellite area and this will ensure that the location will not distract the residence or society in Sepang. Additionally, this project will be able to offer the local society of the economic development by offering jobs and transportation development with good system and condition of road and many aspects that might effects the local lifestyle or living opportunities. Environmental Impacts Associated with the New Airport Project Traffic The location of new airport is bounded by Federal Highway and surrounded by Jalan Utara and Jalan Semangat Bypass. The location can be access via Federal Highway using Nilai Exit, and all kind of vehicles, including semitrailers, commercial vehicles and flat trucks will bring the material of construction or the oil palm industries transportation. As an additional the nearest palm plantation company has some restriction to be obeyed, due to limited usage of Jalan Utara and Semangat including the bridge. Currently about 15,000 are vehicles using the road way along Jalan Utara and Jalan Semangat. Besides that, according to Average weekday traffic flow 2008/09 has found that the average total of traffic throughout the peak hour (7:15 am to 8:15am) was about 3,000 vehicles southbound, and 550 vehicles westbound. Furthermore, the common traffic surge for the noon peak hours (5:10 pm to 6:15pm) consists of about 590 vehicles southbound, and 790 vehicles westbound. Furthermore, JMC has indomitable that the new airport will raise the traffic about 2.2% (340 vehicles) of present daily of the traffic on weekdays. Jalan Utara is a three lane wideway. As a results JMC has organize discussions with the local authority for Malaysia Planning and Infrastructure (MPI) on the possibility of the street being upgraded to a four lane dual roadway in the medium to long term. The main challenge for JMC is when the public raised about the increased the problems of traffic in the area. Particularly they are concern about the threat on the safety of their children and neighbouring community, and how do Jalan Utara to absorb the extra vehicles come to their area roadway. In other hand, JMC has planned to use the airport site from Jalan Utara. Both Jalan Utara and Jalan Semangat can only maintain the semi-trucks, and the permits are obtained from the State Government of Negeri Embilan to permit Double-Big trucks on those particular roads. Jalan Utara also has a big bridge (Jalan Utarra Bridge) in excess of a gas produces which will need to be upgraded if Double-Big trucks are to access over the bridge. JMC has dedicated to face the cost involve to upgrade the bridge if required to do so. JMC has suggested three diverse traffic circumstances in the MDP. Situation 1 is to embark on with no development on the roads, and apply the semi-trailers for materials trans portation. Situation 2 is to obtain the necessary permits, and improve the bridge on Jalan Utara, to enable Double-Big trucks to enter the roads. Situation 3 is by obtaining permits for Double-Big trucks to enter Jalan Utara, however they need to take a route that not using the bridge. JMC of course prefers Situation 1 at this point. JMC also has taken for action the public worries in the MDP as follows: The major concern for the children is the western section of Jalan Utara. JMC plans to initiate truck drivers not to enter that part of road; All road installation will be obeyed to the endorsement with the relevant right, and the number of trips, transfer of services with any other issue will be integrated; and Raw materials of the projects will only be elated between 6:10am and 6:10pm. Around 10 truck (semi-trailers) travels are likely to be used during peak times. Services The new airport project will require JMC to upgrades the existing services that available, and also to supply the new services that necessary. The project area is located adjacent to an existing gas processing of Petronas, and also has access to the electricity area. JMC promises to upgrade the electricity and enhance the area power supply, and also to get access to the gas production so that they will meet the requirements of a airport construction. Area Sewage Treatment The project site is not getting serviced by sewer mains to the local, and JMC has plans to install a nutrient replace on-site treatment unit needed. Consultant for JMC has taken for action that: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The system firstly must be able to hold the quantity of waste generated, and may need local council authority and Health Department of Malaysia approval; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ A sewage disposal area would be needed to be recognized and would also need to be at least 36m from the nearest bay à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sewage disposal by using irrigation would not be appropriate for location where the water table is located or too close to the ground surface system; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Blended soils may be needed under the irrigated location in environmentally sensitive location and to prevent nutrient discharge to the groundwater system. Disproportionate release of nutrients to the site could also result in blemish of waterways. JMC has not point up that issue in the MDP. Water The location needed a ring central part to carry town water to the place for fire-fighting. JMC explain that mostly the water used in construction will be sourced from surplus and irk water, and also depending on the available quality of the bore water system. Besides that, storm water drainage planned to be modified in order to collect run-off from the cemented and roof location and it again will then be transferred to a series of drainage place available. JMC suggest re-using most of this water for construction and dust control. Additionally, some of that used water may be spoiled with unwanted silt and clay, so JMC suggest lining the first setup water pond to prevent leakage. JMC also suggest working on an interceptor pit in to thee handle removal of any oil residues system, in the event if accidental spillage that might happen. Lighting In other hand the public concern was also point up about the lighting on the location impacting to the flora and fauna in the involve area, and residential areas nearby. JMC suggests focusing the lights on the traffic place of the work area nearby. JMC also plans to position additional outside lighting so that will ensure it will not obstruct with the amenity of neighbours place. All external lighting planned will be placed in unity with the Malaysia Standard (1999). Dust Airport construction activities may cause dust during ground trouble in involved area. However, this is not expected to be happen or a concern during the working phase of the construction, as exterior areas will be impermeable, and restricted dust is expected to be generated by strict control. Thus, public worries raised the issue of dust from the project. JMC has promised to minimize the dust by put in work the standard dust control measurement such as wind fencing, hydro-mulching and spraying water. Noise Another aspects need to be consider by JMC is noise levels that will increases during the construction of the new airport at the expected area. Besides that, heavy earthmoving tools, trucking of spoil and dewatering, will have the possible to generate high volume of noise during the new airport construction. Increased of noise will also occur by the trucks and other equipment related such as forklifts during operation of the project. However, public concerns of these issues have been raised especially about the increased noise volume from equipment and trucks used. JMC plan that all equipment will be maintained in good working condition and with the standard noise mufflers will be used to ensure excessive noise will not be generated. Furthermore, airport construction activities will be only occur during the working day, and all the trucks will only be enter and leave the involved area between 6.10am and 6.10pm during operations time. JMC has also promised to conduct the ambient noise monitoring system for every 3 months time during working phase, and the annually monitoring after normal operations originated. Flora and Fauna Flora The location is largely cleared of shrubbery. However, JMC suggest clearing the residual remainder plant life on the 28ha area, with remainder shrubbery being preserved on the planned perimeter and non development place. The parts of the area will be widely re-vegetated with suitable local species to give a visual and resonance barrier of the project. JMC also states that the project area has been acknowledged by MDP as a no priority place and completely under the MDP Master Plan 2008 Priority43 and No Priority place will not issue to further assessment needed. The project area, Sepang Oil Palm plantation and the adjacent vegetation has also been included into a Farm Forever area due its flora and fauna diversity importance. Farm Forever is a Malaysia Government idea and identifies regionally important farmland to be reserved and confined forever. However, the public concerns have been again point out about the effects of fluoride emissions on the shrubbery and the probability of los s of the Farm Forever area. The effects of fluoride emissions are taken to action in the part Emissions. JMC has also stated that Farm Forever is a Negeri Sembilan State based development instrument that is not steady with the Malaysia Master Planning process Fauna There a number of fauna surveys have been done by DOE of Malaysia on Sepang land. DOE has formally recorded 159 species of vertebrates living organisms, but with only a fairly small amount occurring in the project area. Besides that, a number of scheduled endangered species may be occurring on the area. JMC also states that prior to any clearing is work on, JMC will responsible to conduct a review to position any related species, and remove them from the area in concurrence with WWF principle. According to EPBC Act 1999 JMC would need to attain a part 15 permit to relocate the listed species in any Commonwealth land countries. Air Emissions Airport project expected to emit various sparkling pollutants into the location of the atmosphere. Those pollutants stated include oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC), oxides of Carbon (COx) oxides of Sulphur (SOx), Hydrogen Fluoride (HF), and Hydrochloric Acid (HCl). Normally emissions are created primarily by the placing phase of airport project working. Health Impacts Acidic gases from new airport project expecting to correlate with varies aspect of the health impacts to the society. The health impacts effects include the problem of itchy eyes and particularly affecting asthmatics, respiratory sensitivity. Furthermore, gaseous emissions also could be mostly harmful to the community with already facing respiratory problems before. Besides that, the main focus for health problems are about the existing development project in the Sepang area have been point out in the previous year. The Sepang Primary School were closed in 1998, after the teachers and students of that school complained of eye, throat, nose and nose bleeds, burnt lips and skin irritations problems. As a results the Ministry of Health of Malaysia run the investigations to study at the emissions from the close development project and farm process. The problems caused by high volume of poisonous emissions, such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrogen fluoride were absorb in the area air, however due to circumstances there were no conclusion was strained on the cause of the contaminants in Sepang. Nonetheless, the local Hospital incinerator was closed and the school nearby was later relocated to suitable place in Sepang. JMC reported that all emissions need to be within the stated strategy as revealed by the modelling of the plan. JMC also explain that there was no exact proven that the direct facts to relation the project emissions to the health of residents who complaints at Sepang Primary School. Though, there have been many reports of difficult health trouble around active farming projects in Sepang. The reported health problems also could be source by short period events when the emissions have over the guideline volume stated. JMC has given a health risk measurement from the Department of Chemical of Malaysia. Tha t measurement is based on the backdrop volume of air ambient at Negeri Sembilan, which is 4-7km from the new Sepang airport. Additionally, Hazard Index (HI) was designed based on the amount of Health Quotient (HQ) of each pollutant factor. Besides that, the HI has been used to decide the risk of growing property of diverse pollutants factor. Besides that, the compliance of the Government of Malaysia has written remarks on the situation of health impacts commencing the Health Department of Malaysia (HDoM). However, the HDoM explain that the stated level of substances can all effects the respiratory system and give the high impact and certainly can effects the health and may be cumulative in given system. The HDoM also explain that the measured HI of 0.6 for the airport project, 2.08 in the collective impact of JMCs project plan, and the present setting assess would not be insignificant, as the pollutants factor in issue are respiratory system irritants on health. The HDoM proved changes in respiratory morbidity, together with hospital registration, mostly for asthmatics case, are likely at verdict standards of the given substances and are believed to have a probable impact of the place as expected. In addition, HDoM describe in the condotion that cannot be complete in factor on vitality impacts with no added in turn given . In response to the HDoM remarks, JMC hired Cemerlang Associates Pty Ltd to testimony on supplementary in sequence and explanation concerning health risk evaluation. Besides that, the testimony explains that when using HQ and HIis ordinary preparation, and is a conventional method that has a potential to overvalue the threat, and if the HQ value is bigger than 1 it should be research further. JMC also query some portion of the data used by HDoM to draw its report, and explain that the particular statistics used in Department of Chemical of Malaysia research are imitative from the maximum setting subsistence which exist on diverse term. Though, as prominent exceeding, this study is mainly imitative from in sequence from Negeri Sembilan, rather than the new airport area. The DoE Airport Licensing Policy (2002) was run to point the civic worries about the health impacts from the emissions and the existing farm industries area. Furthermore, it describe: It is obvious since the mass of proof over some years that contact to emissions of acid gas (mainly HCl, with some aid from HF) have source verifiable of unpleasant health of the effects, above all respiratory sensitivity and itchy eyes. The policy document describes the variety of factors take into consideration to determine ambient quality standards of air for needed acid gases omitted, and suggested procedure for load emissions to point them. An additional public worries have been point out that there are at present health problems that due to the gas emissions happen from the existing projects and industries, and that production of new project will give and additional to the pollutant caused. The active contaminant freight will be accepted to drop when the DoE project policy on dropping the emission s is completely put in work. Management, Monitoring and Compliance Relating to New Airport Project A vital element in shaping the adequacy of a plan is the capability to forecast and administer the impacts with buoyancy. The administration of the plan requires occurring in mutually the production and functioning stage. Throughout the construction stage of this plan, criterion construction management to be estimated to be able to sufficiently point out all kind impacts on the environmental, as those effects can be estimated with buoyancy. Nonetheless, the effective stage is much more difficult as proved by the DoE Airport Policy (2002) which can be found a variety of insignificant in the regulation and monitoring of the works of other Sepang farm works. Besides that, there are still uncertainties on the working side of this plan mainly with consider to the new accumulation equilibrium method for ensuring the satisfactory volume of the emissions that omitted by the project. These suspicions are over value by the detail that the foundation and description of inputs to the procedure h ave not yet been concluded. A numeral of community submissions have point out worries about whether the plan facility can be administered with the necessary degree of severity. The DoE Airport Licensing Policy (2002) focuses that the fact in a sound conformity system can be complicated to manage even for a government department with skill and possessions to manage all industrial facilities in the country. The DoE Airport Licensing Policy (2002) has planned new approach of amendable and monitoring observance. This has raises the regulatory problems for DoE and it also may need to take some time ahead of it acquires the knowledge and sympathetic of the manufacturing processes to be convinced that it will attain ongoing fulfilment. An importance adaptive of a management method will almost positively be necessary in attaining in progress observance given the reservations concerned. JMC have explained that there are sufficient authoritarian systems in place to administer the airport faci lity required. It explains that this only can be done throughout the requests of the Airports Act 1996, and via hire activities with Negeri Sembilan. Furthermore, guideline through Government legislation is commonly required for developed facilities like the airport project. Suitable knowledge and needs to legalize manufacturing facilities commonly include the stop work area, the capability to carry out random survey and test on the emissions omitted, and a perceptive of substance and engineering procedure when developing and to evaluate a bunch balance methods. The plan is to control the airport in Sepang is to some extent diverse from existing developments of the commercial airport, and current new authoritarian problems for the Department of Transport. Negeri Sembilan state has also assured that it can control the tender through leasing engagements. Conversely the guideline of such performance through renting with the private institution presents the challenges. Negeri Sembilan s tate has also marks the likelihood of astringent DoE to point the weakness of authoritarian experience in commerce with industrialized facilities that exist. In other hand, Negeri Sembilan state itself is not based to the same parliamentary requirements as own government, with the respect to the public precision and responsibility. Deparmental Summary on the Airport Project Following is the outline of the Departmental proposal point in above: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The traffic alternative situation 1 wills consequence in a imperfect effects on community areas provided that the trucks will not use the western part of Jalan Utara. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard supervision that measures can point the environmental effects of improvement and providing the services such as lighting, water, power and sewage. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The Department of the Environment of Malaysia need to develop the Airport Licensing Policy 2002 to point the difficult environmental effects of existing and future projects, and the Negeri Sembilan state claims that the plan is contradictory with the planning policies planned. Furthermore, given such factors with the public worries about the plan, the procedural researches given to date are not measured sufficient to address probable effects. The matter of other fatalities of amenity, like house standards is a issue of consideration for the Minister for Transport. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard administration method can point the environmental effects from the dust. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard administration method can point the environmental effects from noise. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard administration method can point the environmental effects that may happen from changes on the hydrology system. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ No effects should happen to Sepang if the groundwater and shell water flows left from the area. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ No studies were run on the area currently to assess the value of the remainder shrubbery, or their uses by the listed endangered species are. Consequently even if the area is despoiled, no remarks can be haggard by the Department of environment on the significance of the area for listed endangered species. JMC has not planned any alleviation method other then the translocation. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Although a summary can be pinched that it is probable to boundary acid gas emitted by the choosing meticulous types of material, JMC has not been established that it should be capable to admittance that material, or reporting detail on the essential wants of the chemical masterpiece of the material to meet the needed objective. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ JMC explain that the plan should meets the safety desires of Air Services, and the required stack height of material to meets the guidelines. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ JMC has working with the modelling on air emissions omitted using the best accessible in sequence. Nonetheless no data of the ambient air quality on the relevant pollutants was accessible for the planned airport area. Given the inefficiency pointed, the Department is not really pleased that the in sequence given to day is adequately thorough to wrap up that the modelling pointed air quality worries. Therefore the Department will not be secure that the plan will not conclude in difficult health from the impacts, if only as of the hesitation about the active pollutant load and the speed with which existing projects will reduce their emissions that omitted by the industries. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard organization method can point the impacts of the environmental from the stench. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The plan will require with a greater authoritarian participation than usual airport developments. Dictatorial employees with suitable expertise related to airport operations and also with the capability to interfere in those important operations, if needed, will be necessary in given that assurance that an adaptive organization method can consequence in a sound observance system. The sufficiency of the active authoritarian powers based from the Airports Act 1996, and also the proficiency of the Department of Transport to control such actions, is a issue for the Minister of Transport to consider when they planned on the adequacy of the suggestion. Conclusion This project plan has point out important on public worries through the community review term. The Department also remarks that the technologies needed for the facility that have not been formerly used in Negeri Sembilan; that the key fundamentals of the plan like the foundation and description of material need to be used in the project and are yet to be dogged; and the planned method to ascertain and observe observance have not been fully take into consideration. These circumstances could be able to settle throughout an adaptive administration method to guideline, whereby clear of the outcomes and also the aims can be set and administration approaches attuned over the time on the foundation of practice. This method needs a close operational association between controller and advocate with the capability for the controller to arbitrate, rapidly if essential, if the required outputs are not being attained. A sufficient audit or supervision role is necessary for thriving adaptive administration. Despite the fact that Negeri Sembilan state and JMC are very confident that the projected facility ought not unfavourably effects on the atmosphere and that an sufficient authoritarian system is in place throughout the needs of the Airports Act, still it is uncertain to the Department, besides that, guideline through rental schedule, would be adequately pro-active to point the potential failures to be achieve and desired objectives. Furthermore, given the community worries about the suggestion, such fear is improbable to give ease to local people. However, the Department need to supports the suggestion by Negeri Sembilan state to deal with DoE to point out they require of authoritarian practice in dealing with the industrialized facilities such as projects involved. Nonetheless, such astringent would need to be included in a clear and officially workable instrument for DoE so that they can take suitable authoritarian achievement should it be necessary. The Department should consider that the suggestion should only carry on if numerals of reservations are confirmed to the contentment of the Malaysia Government; i. A scrupulous authoritarian system is in position to certify that the suggestion meets the principles set out in the evaluation certification equipped by the supporter and that immediate and efficient counteractive act will be occupied should that establish not to be the main case; ii. The promoter should reveal that it will have to acce

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Relative Price And Performance Relationship

Relative Price And Performance Relationship 2.1 INTRODUCTION In essence, the job of a strategist is to understand and cope with competition. Often, managers define competition too narrowly, as if it occurred only among todays direct competitors. Lall, (2001, p. 6) stated that competitiveness in industrial activities means developing relative efficiency along with sustainable growth Moreover, agribusiness competitiveness has been defined as The sustained ability to profitably gain and maintain market share(Martin, Westgren, van Duren, 1991, p. 1456) or, in a more consumer-oriented way, as the ability of a firm or industry segment to offer products and services that meet or exceed the customer value currently or potentially offered by the products and services of rivals, substitutes, and possible market entrants (Kennedy, Harrison, Kalaitzandonakes, Peterson, Rindfuss, 1997). Yet, according to Michael E. Porter, the Harvard Business School professor, competition for profit goes beyond established industry rivals to include four other competitive forces as well as customers, suppliers, potential entrants and substitute products. Furthermore, the model of Five Competitive Forces was developed by Michael E. Porter in his book Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors in 1980. It draws upon Industrial Organisation (IO) to develop five forces that determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of a market. Attractiveness in the context of business environment refers to the overall industry profitability. An unattractive industry is one in which the combination of these five forces acts to drive down the overall profitability. A very unattractive industry would be one approaching pure competition, in which available profits for all firms are driven down to zero. The character, mix, and subtleties of competitive forces are never the same from one industry to another. A powerful and widely used tool for systematically diagnosing the principal competitive pressures in the hydroponics market and assessing the strength and importance of each is the five-forces model of competition.(see figure) Moreover, three of Porters five forces refer to competition from external sources. The remainders are internal threats. Therefore, it is important to use Porters five forces in conjunction with SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) and PEST Analysis (Political, Economical, Social and Technological). Porters Five Forces 2.2.1 Threat of new entrants One of the defining characteristics of competitive advantage is the industrys barrier to entry. It is very expensive for new firms to enter an industry where there is high barrier of entry. Furthermore, profitable markets that yield high returns will attract new firms. In this situation, these new entrants could change major determinants to the market environment (e.g. market shares, prices, customer loyalty) at any time. In the 1993 reprint of the first edition of Bain (1956, pp. 53-166), three main factors are considered as entry barriers: economies of scale, product differentiation advantages, and absolute cost advantages. Moreover, as more firms enter the market, you will see rivalry increase and profitability will fall to the point where there is no incentive for firms to enter the industry. Likewise, the threat of the new entrants will depend on the extent to which there are barriers to entry. These are typically: Economies of scale According to Kislev et al, it is generally accepted that agricultural production is characterized by increasing returns to scale. If economies of scale exist, it represents a high barrier of entry. Firms within the industry will have achieved these economies and if we enter this industry we will have to match their scale size of production in order to compete with them. Thus according to Michael Porter, since EOS does not exist in a tangible way, we need to prove their existence first before trying to compete with the existing firms. Capital requirements This refers to how much money should the firms have to tie up to keep the doors open. This is also a barrier to entry as if firms have to tie up large amounts of capital for daily operations; this will deter smaller firms from entering. Dr. Pieter A.Schippers said that hydroponics requires high-cost installations marketing gourmet vegetables at ritzy prices. According to AREU, the capital investment for hydroponics in Mauritius is up to three million rupees. Brand identity According to Erin Ferree ,Brand identity is the combination of consistent visual elements that are used in your marketing materials. A basic brand identity kit consists of a logo, business card, letterhead, and envelope. It can be extended to include a Web site Where there is brand identity there is high barrier to entry and regarding the hydroponics market in Mauritius, there are no such barriers in the field of hydroponics as it is a newly grown market. Access to Distribution The new entrant must, of course, secure distribution of its product or service. A new food item, for example, must displace others from the supermarket shelf via price breaks, promotions, intense selling efforts, or some other means. The more limited the wholesale or retail channels are and the more that existing competitors have tied them up, the tougher entry into an industry will be. Sometimes access to distribution is so high a barrier that new entrants must bypass distribution channels altogether or create their own. Switching cost Switching costs are fixed costs that buyers face when they change suppliers. Such costs may arise because a buyer who switches vendors must, for example, alter product specifications, retrain employees to use a new product, or modify processes or information systems. The larger the switching costs, the harder it will be for an entrant to gain customers. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is an example of a product with very high switching costs. Once a company has installed SAPs ERP system, for example, the costs of moving to a new vendor are astronomical because of embedded data, the fact that internal processes have been adapted to SAP, major retraining needs, and the mission-critical nature of the application. 2.2.2 Bargaining Power of suppliers The term suppliers comprises all sources for inputs that are needed in order to provide goods or services and bargaining power is the ability to influence the setting of prices. Therefore, bargaining power of suppliers will identify the extent to which your suppliers can choose to raise prices, reduce quality or reduce service without consequence. The more concentrated and controlled the supply, the more power it wields against the market. Monopolistic or quasi-monopolistic suppliers will use their power to extract better terms (higher profit margins or) at the expense of the market. Moreover, in a competitive market, no one supplier can set the prices. Likewise, suppliers can group to wield more bargaining power. The conditions making suppliers, as a group, powerful tend to mirror those making the buyers powerful are as follows: Differentiation of inputs A primary goal of the theory of product differentiation is the determination of market structure and conduct of firms that can choose the specifications of their products besides choosing output and price. Traditional models of product differentiation and marketing have focused on products that are defined by one characteristic only. ( See Hotelling (1929), Vickrey (1964), DAspremont, Gabszewicz and Thisse (1979), Salop (1979), Economides (1984), Anderson, de Palma, and Thisse (1992), among others in economics and Hauser and Shugan (1983), Moorthy (1988) and Kumar and Sudarshan (1988) in marketing.) Threat of forward integration The traditional market foreclosure theory, which was accepted in leading court cases in 1950s-70s, viewed vertical merger as harming competition by denying competitors access to either a supplier or a buyer. (Arrow, K., Vertical Integration and Communication, Bell Journal of Economics, 1975, 6, 173-183.) The critics argue that the theory is logically flawed, and a vertically integrated firm cannot benefit from excluding its rivals (e.g., Bork, 1978; and Posner, 1976). The paper by Salop and Sche ¤man (1987) forms the basis for this argument, and Ordover, Saloner, and Salop (1990, hereinafter OSS) is perhaps the best-known paper that pioneered the equilibrium approach to the analysis of vertical mergers. In this paper, I shall argue that the new theories on vertical mergers have ignored an important point, namely that vertical integration not only changes the integrated firms incentive to supply inputs to its downstream rivals, but it may also change the rivals incentives to purchase inputs from alternative suppliers. Once this is realized,an equilibrium theory of vertical mergers can be developed without some of the controversial assumptions made in the literature, and this theory can provide a framework in which the competitive effects of vertical mergers are measured and compared. The basic insight of my analysis is that vertical integration creates multimarket interaction between the integrated firm and its downstream rivals. A rival may recognize that if it purchases inputs from the integrated firm, the integrated firm may have less incentive to cut prices in the downstream market, which will benefit the rival. Therefore, vertical integration can change the incentive of a downst ream rival in selecting its input supplier, making it a strategic instead of a passive buyer in the input market. Supplier concentration relative to industry concentration Trade theory predicts that if trade costs go down or if productivity rises exogenously in a pool of potential suppliers with heterogeneous productivity levels, the number of suppliers will enlarge (Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein 2008).An exogenous taste for variety, or a desire to limit monopoly positions, would also lead to a larger number of suppliers, although these forces are static. In the presence of heterogenous quality, however, the dynamics of diversification/concentration can be different. Access of labour According to Bertram,G. (1986), he assumes that output is governed by a well-behaved, continuous, constant returns to scale, aggregate production function involving two factor inputs, capital and labour.( Bertram, G. (1986), Sustainable development in Pacific micro-economies, World Development, Vol. 14 No. 7, pp. 809-22.) Importance of volume of supplier According to Hahn et al., 1990; Humphreys et al., 2004; Krause, 1997; Krause et al., 1998; Li et al., 2007; Watts and Hahn, 1993, buyer-supplier relationships are becoming increasingly important as buyers realize that their success is often tied to the capabilities and performance of suppliers. Many organizations engage in supplier development to assist suppliers in improving supply chain performance and capabilities. Bargaining power of buyer According to Inderst (2007), buyer power is the ability of buyers to obtain advantageous terms of trade from their suppliers. Monopsonistic or quasi- monopsonistic buyers will use their power to extract better terms at the expense of the market. In a truly competitive market, no one buyer can set the prices. Instead they are set by supply and demand. Prices are set by supply and demand and the market reaches the Pareto-optimal point where the highest possible number of buyers are satisfied at a price that still allow for the supplier to be profitable. Porter states that a buyer group is powerful if it: purchases large volumes relative to seller sales; learns low profits; the products it purchases from the industry represent a significant fraction of the buyers costs or purchases; the products are standard or undifferentiated and face few switching costs; the industrys product is unimportant to the quality of the buyers products or services; buyers pose a credible threat of backward integration; The buyer has full information. Additionally, with the bargaining power, buyers can impose on suppliers and thus can choose their suppliers. According to Ghodsypour and OBrien, (1998); Weber et al., (2000) and Dahel, (2003), this can be done by using the linear programming models. Moreover, the multi-objective programming model developed by Weber and Ellram (1993) can helps buyer to select a pool of suppliers and determine the purchasing units to be allocated among the suppliers. Buyer switching cost Buyer-supplier relationships play a key role in the success of a supply chain (Chen and Paulraj, 2004; Lin et al., 2001; Storey and Emberson, 2006); however, organizations often face the problem of choosing appropriate suppliers (Pagell and Sheu, 2001; Chen and Paulraj, 2004; Wadhwa et al., 2006; Phusavat et al., 2007). The problem of choosing suppliers so that profits can be maximized has become increasingly vital to an enterprises survival due to keen competition in the micro-profit era (Giunipero et al., 2006). Numerous studies have addressed the issue of the buyer-supplier relationship in supply chain management. One stream of research examines related variables, such as cooperation, satisfaction, trust, and commitment, which make the supply chain relationship successful (Byrd and Davidson, 2003; Fynes et al., 2005; Malhotra et al., 2005). Another stream focuses on the criteria for choosing suppliers, such as quality, on-time delivery, and costs (Chen and Paulraj, 2004; Blackhurs t et al., 2005; Gunasekaran and Kobu, 2006; Phusavat and Kanchana, 2008). Among these criteria, costs have received the most attention because they are considered the key factor in choosing suppliers (Noordewier et al., 1990; Kalwani and Narayandas, 1995; Dahlstrom and Nygaard, 1999; Zhao and Yang, 2007). Buyer information Another reason why buyers were in such a strong bargaining position was because they had full information about demand, actual market prices, and even manufacturer costs. The buyers comparative information was often better than what was available to manufacturers, and thus with such full information, retailers were able to ensure that they received the most favourable prices offered to others, and were able to oppose suppliers claims that their viability would be threatened if prices were reduced. Owing to all of the above reasons, one can see that the bargaining power of the Australian food retailers was so great in the early 1980s that they were perhaps in a unique position of strength even in a global sense. The current barriers for purchasing organic products mainly relates to price, availability, and consumer awareness. Moreover, offering customers and obtaining greater value added by creating, developing, and maintaining lasting customer-supplier relationships (Rexha,2000; Van der Haar et al., 2001), such that both parties benefit (Gro ¨nroos, 2000; Kothandaraman and Wilson, 2001; Sharma et al., 2001; Walter et al., 2001; Leek et al., 2003), is considered fundamental for guaranteeing the success and survival of companies in the market. Suppliers adapt to the customers needs in order to satisfy them. This adaptation can encourage the customer to behave opportunistically (Brown et al., 2000; Wathne and Heide, 2000). But if the supplier is able to adapt, and satisfy customer needs better than its competitors, enduring relationships can develop between both agents. Brand identity of buyer According to Aaker, (1991, 1996), brand identity is a message about a brand that a firm seeks to communicate with. This communication is undertaken via the product, the brand name, symbols and logos, historical roots, the brands creator, and advertising (Kapferer, 1998 Some organisations base their competitive advantage on physical assets such as a manufacturing facility, some on their employees, and some on their distribution networks (Kotler, 2000). Many others, however, seek to attain a competitive advantage from intangible assets such as their reputation or the brands that they own (Beverland, 2005; Keller, 1993; Low and Blois, 2002). Yet, research to date on branding in business and industrial marketing has been limited (Beverland et al., 2006; Low and Blois, 2002; Mudambi et al., 1997; Nilson, 1998). Price sensitivity Porter (1985) has defined two primary types of competitive strategy that can provide a source of competitive advantage: differentiation and low cost strategy. The low cost strategy, which may enable a price leader position, can lead to price wars and is therefore risky for all digital products and services, including retail banking. Ultimately only one company can be the price leader, thus all other companies should contemplate alternative strategies. Likewise, marketers and researchers are familiar with the concept of price elasticity, which describes changes in the quantity of demand for a product associated with changes in price of the product. If demand is elastic, changes in price level have a proportionally greater impact on demand. Inelastic demand describes the case where changes in price have little effect on demand. The concept of price elasticity describes the aggregate response of a market segment to price levels. Price sensitivity is an individual difference variable describing how individual consumers react to price levels and changes in price levels. A consumer high in price sensitivity will manifest much less demand as price goes up (or higher demand as price goes down), and consumers low in price sensitivity will not react as strongly to a price change. Standardize products A large majority of respondents believed that many retailers considered most food products to be fairly standard, and thus, as they could most often find alternative suppliers, they played one manufacturing company against another. It was the respondents view that such tactics also extended towards substituting house brands and generics for brand names, and these aspects will be considered later. Thus, unless a manufacturer had very strong end-user demand for its brand (e.g. Vegemite, Milo, Pal), it found that its product was capable of being substituted unless it succumbed to retailer pressure. Threat of substitute products All firms in an industry are competing, in a broad sense, with industries producing substitute products. The impact of substitutes affected certain segments of the food industry more than others, the obvious examples being the yellow fats segment (butter versus margarine), the sweeteners segment (sugar versus sugar substitutes) and the pet foods segment (canned versus dry). The food industry as a whole is, in fact, competing with other substitute expense categories such as entertainment and personal items. While expenditure on food will never fall below an essential base level. Research done by Ogilvy and Mather (1983) seems to suggest that more people cut back on food during the early 1980s, in order to cope with inflation, than on other expense categories. The following factors are being considered when analyzing the threat of substitute products: Buyer propensity to substitute For sellers, it is crucial to win a buyers trust, then nurture it over the course of a relationship. Trust enables the buyer to economize cognitive and emotional energy and rely on a seller before extensive information can be gathered (Luhmann, 1979; Jones and George, 1998; Yamagishi, 2002; Mayer et al., 1995). As trust matures, the buyer identifies with (Lewicki and Bunker, 1995) and feels affection and devotion for the seller (McAllister, 1995). Trust is therefore strongly linked to buyer commitment (Moorman et al., 1992) and loyalty (Morgan and Hunt, 1994). A sellers violation of trust occurs when the buyer perceives evidence that the seller failed to meet the buyers confident expectations (Tomlinson et al., 2004). Relative price/performance relationship of substitutes Shapiro (1992) argues that institutional investors, who normally trade in large quantities, are concerned with the opportunity costs involved in undertaking these large trades. Many suppliers, in turn, face a growing trend towards commoditization of products (Rangan and Bowman, 1992) and search for new ways of differentiating themselves through improved customer interactions (Vandenbosch and Dawar, 2002). From an academic perspective, there is a rich and growing body of research focusing on buyer-supplier relationships in business markets (Ulaga, 2001). More broadly, researchers have coined the term relationship quality which is typically assessed through some combination of commitment, satisfaction and trust (Crosby et al., 1990; Dorsch et al., 1998; Hewett et al., 2002). According to Wilson (1995, p. 337) trust is a fundamental relationship model building block and as such is included in most relationship models. In addition to trust, Morgan and Hunt (1994) identified commitment as another key-mediating variable of relationship marketing. Furthermore in their commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing, Morgan and Hunt (1994) establish trust as a key-mediating variable that is central to relational exchanges. Moreover, customer satisfaction is widely accepted among researchers as a strong predictor for behavioural variables such as repurchase intentions, word-of-mouth, or loyalty (Ravald and Gro ¨nroos, 1996; Liljander and Strandvik, 1995). Satisfaction research is mainly influenced by the disconfirmation paradigm (Parasuraman et al., 1988). Competitive Rivalry The rivalry amongst existing firms analysis will help you to understand the risk that your competitors may compete for market position and if their competitive tactics are likely to be effective. Furthermore, you will find that your competitors may compete for market position using tactics such as pricing competition, advertising as well as increasing customer service. To analyze industry rivalry in your industry, you will need to consider the following factors: Diversity among competitors The first point of departure is found in Miles et al.(1993)and Miles and Snow (1986) proposition that strategy in diversity and structure is normal in any industry, that it is good for and industry and furthermore that various configurations of strategy and structure may be equally effective in producing high performance. Industry growth rate When hydroponics industry is in a growth phase there will be room for the industry to grow, as a result there will be a low risk of competitor rivalry. Thompson et al., (2008) stated that rivalry becomes stronger if demand growth is slow. Exit barriers Powell (1995) incorporated entry barriers and industry rivalry in his research and found a significant correlation of firm performance with entry barriers (r  ¼ 0:29; p , 0:05) and industry rivalry (r  ¼ 20:32; p , 0:05). These results indicate the higher the entry barriers, the lower the threat of new entrants and the better the opportunities for improved performance; and similarly, the higher the industry rivalry, the tougher the industry competition which would mean the lower the firm performance. A critique of Porters model There are, however, several limitations to Porters framework, such as: It tends to over-stress macro analysis, i.e. at the industry level, as opposed to the analysis of more specific product-market segments at a micro level. It oversimplifies industry value chains: for example, invariably buyers may need to be both segmented and also differentiated between channels, intermediate buyers and end consumers. It fails to link directly to possible management action: for example, where companies have apparently low influence over any of the five forces, how can they set about dealing with them? It tends to encourage the mind-set of an industry as a specific entity with ongoing boundaries. This is perhaps less appropriate now where industry boundaries appear to be far more fluid. It appears to be self-contained, thus not being specifically related, for example, to PEST factors, or the dynamics of growth in a particular market. It is couched in economic terminology, which may be perceived to be too much jargon from a practising managers perspective and indeed, it could be argued that it is over-branded. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis, which is originally introduced in 1969 by Harvard researchers (e.g. Learned et al., 1991), calls for an external assessment of the opportunities and threats that exist in a firms environment and an internal assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation. The SWOT framework became popular during the 1970s because of its inherent assumption that managers can plan the alignment of a firms resources with its environment. Subsequently, during the decade of the 1980s, Porters (1980) introduction of the industrial organization paradigm with his five forces models gave primacy to a firms external environment, overshadowing the popularity of SWOT. More recently, at the start of the twenty-first century, SWOT is alive and well as the recommended framework for case analysis in many of the leading strategic management and marketing texts (Hitt et al., 2000; Anderson and Vince, 2002). However, despite its wide and enduring popularity, SWOT has remained an theoretica l framework, of limited prescriptive power for practice and minor significance for research (Dess, 1999). Generally, firms are asked to develop strategies to guide the organisation to ward opportunities that may be exploited using strengths of the organisation, push the organisation away from threats in the environment, maintain existing strengths and improve organisational weaknesses. Recently, Duncan, Ginter and Swayne (1998) suggested a four step model for assessing internal strengths and weaknesses. Their four steps include surveying, categorising, investigation, and evaluating. The tables below show the Strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of hydroponics in Mauritius. STENGTHS WEAKNESSES Growing demand for vegetables, both consumer and business markets. Environment-friendly practices favoured. Provide employment. Flexible in production. Poorly structured distribution channels. Finance: such project requires huge investments. Insufficient use of technology: growers in Mauritius cannot afford to adopt latest technology such as those used in Australia and USA due to high costs. Equipment and other materials have to be imported. Lack of trained trainers. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Favoured business environment- laws and legislations have been modified so as to propel small business. Examples are the introduction of the Municipal Fee, replacing the Trade Licence, Special Tax Holiday Scheme, cancellation of customs duty on several products and Empowerment Programme. Incentives offered to registered enterprises by SEHDA, National Computer Board and so on. Examples are awards to the best business plans, business counselling and facilitation. Increasing cost of doing business. High inflation rate causing depreciation of the Mauritian Rupees. Favourable prices of the substitutes. PEST Analysis PEST (or political, economic, social and technological factors) is the most commonly used tool for environmental analysis (Beamish, 1996) and is possibly the second most widely known strategy technique after SWOT analysis. Political/ Legal Environment: in most countries, the government provides much needed support to those who want to invest in hydroponics technology. Examples are tax relieves on equipment, free counselling, training, incentives to set up small businesses, loan facilities and so on. Regarding the Economic Environment, these issues should be considered: Income is a major influencer of consumer purchasing power. For instance, a fall in income caused by an increase in the rate of inflation may result in a fall in purchasing power. Consumers may buy more of the organic vegetables, which are cheaper than the hydroponics vegetables. The reverse is also true. Changing consumer spending patterns influence the demand for hydroponics produce. It has been noted that there is an increasing tendency for consumers to spend more and more on leisure activities, transportation, medical-care and education rather than food. But with the new budget made by the finance minister, we can expect that the spending on education will decrease and ultimately result to and increase in food or other activities also. Social/ cultural Environment: a study by the NZ Vegetable Growers Federation ( , found that nearly 40% of people who purchase organic food do so because they believe it is pesticide-free. Technological Environment: growers of hydroponics produce who do not adopt the best practice technology will be disadvantaged and gradually lose access to all but low margin residual markets. However, there is a profound gap between PEST and SWOT analysis, and this is only partly met by Porters five forces. A linking technique is that of Grundys growth drivers (Grundy, 2004). See the diagram below. Grundy gives an example of growth driver analysis, helping us to represent the forces that, directly or indirectly, cause or inhibit market growth over a particular time period. However, an important feature to note here is that it is part of a system. The system captures, in an onion model format, the key domains that need to be thought through, within the overall competitive climate, beginning with: _ PEST factors _ growth drivers _ Porters five competitive forces _ competitive position. These layers of the onion are highly interdependent, which might be a very useful phenomenon for managers to learn about and to apply. For example, where the PEST factors are generally hospitable, growth is encouraged and the full impact of the five competitive forces may not be felt and may thus be latent. However, where the PEST factors become inhospitable, this will clearly dampen the growth drivers, and if the growth drivers within a particular market are themselves tightening, for example due to life-cycle effects, then this will put a disproportionate and adverse pressure on Porters five forces, particularly in the bargaining power of buyers, and also upon rivalry. Furthermore, a high growth environment may encourage entrants and a low one will discourage these. The result can lead to a collapse in confidence and in prices unless there are lots of exits.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Siddhartha and Hinduism/Buddhism Essay -- Religion Spirituality Essays

Siddhartha and Hinduism/Buddhism Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse discusses the many paths of teaching that relate to Hinduism that Siddhartha followed on his journey through life and how each path helped him realize what he wanted with his life. Siddhartha follows many teachings or paths in which to reach his spiritual destination, which at the beginning was to reach Nirvana. The four stages of life choices, which favor both renunciation and world upholding, are 1) student 2) householder 3) forest hermit and 4) wandering ascetic (Ghose, 1/18/01). In the book, Siddhartha participated in each of these lifestyles for a significant amount of time. Unlike his father, Siddhartha did not want to be a Brahmin. He thought his calling was to be a samana, which is very similar, if not an interchangeable term for wandering ascetic. Siddhartha and his beloved friend Govinda were at heart destined to be samanas. Siddhartha bid farewell to his family renouncing material wealth and sensual pleasure as in two of the four aims of life. They wander into the woods to concentrate and try to reach the heightened sensation that is to come with being closer to realizing Nirvana. During his journey with the samanas, he learned to follow many paths that took him away from his self-centered ego. By following and voluntarily suffering through, and eventually overcoming things such as pain, hunger, thirst and fatigue, he was getting closer to what the samanas thought was pure and good. Although he would leave his ego, behind when enduring those scenarios he always came back to his ego, what he and Govinda were working for had only been a lesson in the many teachings and sets of goals they must accomplish to reach the ultimate goal they wanted; redemption (Hesse 14-17). Their journey as samanas and students in the stages of life leads them to questioning the path that they were following, where these teaching helping them were they leading them on the right path? â€Å"There is, I believe, no such thing as what we call ‘learning.’ O my friend, only one knowledge: it is everywhere, it is Atman, it is in me and in you and in every being. And I am starting to believe that this knowledge has no worse enemy than the wish to know, than learning (Hesse 18).† Siddhartha and Govinda spend three years, as samanas in which Siddhartha’s soul feels not fulfilled. After these three ye... ... youth. Vesudeva waited for Siddhartha to realize the revolutionary thought that everything in the world was together as one. The wholeness and the oneness of the river communicated him to show him serenity and understanding. The river also provoked a thought that gave him the understanding that of why as a child he had to leave the teachings of the teachers â€Å"wisdom cannot be communicated. Wisdom that a wise man tries to communicate always sounds foolish. Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. We can find it, we can live it, we can be carried by it, we can work wonders with it, but we cannot utter it or teach it (Hesse 123-4).† Siddhartha’s followed many paths in his life. Each of his paths led him to another lesson or teaching that furthered his quest for his spiritual destination. He experienced all aspects of life, from rich to poor, lonely to companionship, stranger to lover and from guest to friend. By going through those path changes, his emotions and mind were put to the test and succeeded. The paths and four different types of living made his spiritual journey a successful one and that is why he reached the highest of ‘wholeness and oneness’ feeling he did.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

culture and conflict :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The culture of conflict is just as important as the conflict itself. The reasons for conflict and the inner agony of pride are all do to culture. The epic poem of Gilgamesh, and The Odyssey, the story of Genesis have many forms of many conflicts. Cultural conflicts have many different forms, but pride is usually at the root of all of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book of Gilgamesh has many conflicts, and battles. Gilgamesh was a flashy warrior and leader that resolved everything with primitive actions. He was a conflict all his own because the towns people didn’t like his leadership. His acts of womanizing and mistreating the towns people is what caused this hatred towards him. They all wished for an equal to come. Enkido was a forest man that was an equal to Gilgamesh. He came, and at first wasn’t an equal to Gilgamesh, but a rival. Gilgamesh and Enkido battled through the streets of the town. These actions were pride based and human nature must have had an impact. In anything once a leader is challenged he will do anything to keep his leadership and step up to the occasion. In this case, Gilgamesh the leader was challenged. â€Å"Enkido stood, guardian on the threshold of the martial chamber, To block the way of the king, The aura and power of the wild ox, Gilgamesh, Who was coming to the chamber and take his bride.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stormy heart struggled with stormy heart, As Gilgamesh met Enkido in his rage, At the marital threshold they wrestled, bulls contending: The doorposts shook and shattered; the wrestling staggered.† (Gilgamesh_14,15)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once the battle ended, Gilgamesh knew that they were equal. Being the leader that he was, he decided not to be rivals, but be friends. They decide to travel to the forest of Cedars, where they set to challenge the org Huwawa. Enkido doesn’t want to proceed with this thought but Gigamesh wants to continue. They show up and battle the superhuman guardian, kill him, cut down the forest, cut off Huwana's head as a trophy, build a raft, and head back to Uruk.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The really only cultural experience in this battle isn’t just the battle itself, but after the battle when they cut off Huwawa's head and made it into a trophy. Making his head into a trophy exemplifies their in their great victory. It demonstrates was gained and shows that they had something to remember it by.