Sunday, August 11, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Operations Management - Essay Example Being low on variability is good for an investment company. Their multi-level investment model has been their strength of their operations. The diversification they offer to their investor is definitely top notch. The highlight of their operational management reflects in their company returns and growth. But the same experience of great return can be coupled with improved client communication. To make sure they offer the best fund management service, they can improve their visibility and information they give to the client. Certain recommendation have been suggested in this paper for improving client-manager relationship. They can certainly improve their customer retention and attract new businesses. They can even improve the information they offer on their website. Contents Introduction and Business Context 3 Operations overview (conceptual analysis) 4 Performance Objectives – order qualifiers and winners 6 A selection of key OM concepts applied 7 Analysis of â€Å"failingâ €  process studied – â€Å"the operations problem† 13 Improvement Plan 15 Implementation plan 17 Conclusion 18 References 20 Introduction and Business Context Architas is an investment corporate, offering best investment pools to clients. Their theme is to make sure client’s investments go in the best fund. Not every investor is that aware of investment and finance world, that is where Architas offers their services. The have a team of professional investment managers, at the top of their game. They handle different fund genres and specialize in their particular niche. So the business model is very simple, investors invest in the funds offered by Architas, and fund managers manage client’s investments. Delivering returns and controlling risks are two primary tools they excel in. Architas is a part of the global AXA group. Architas was founded in 2008 to meet the ever changing needs of today’s investors. The volume of assets advised and managed a t Architas exceeds ?12.1 billion (Architas, 2013). The AXA group is a truly global investment company, employing 160,000 employees worldwide. Operations overview (conceptual analysis) System model Every company has its own custom business model, cut to fit in its special needs. Architas is no exception; they incorporate a strategy they call the ‘multi-manager investing’, from a client’s perspective, a reverse funnel in terms of its operations. What it does is, offers a client access to different investment managers through just one product. ‘Fund of funds’ is a term widely used in investment world, but here it truly delivers what it’s supposed to; offering a mix of investment managers to clients as a single solution while keeping the costs low. Illustration of fund of funds portfolio1 4 V’s Analysis – the operational environment Architas’s operational environment in terms of 4 V’s of operations give a clear picture as to how they handle their operations and how they can improve them. In terms of Volume, they have a huge investment portfolio. They can’t be compared with manufacturing industry, they have soft products, fund management and in terms of fund volume, they are huge. Variety regarding an investment company like Architas is also plentiful. There are huge number of options in terms of funds and other financial tools. Keeping expectations grounded in reality, what Architas offers to its clients is a huge array of bonds, equities, money market tools, and different collage of portfolios. Clients can

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